On the 14th of March the exhibition of the graphic art works of Miriam Meras and Žibuntas Mikšys was opened in the VGSJM Tolerance Center.
The family of the famous artists, immigrants from Lithuania, live and work in Paris. Meras, daughter of the famous Lithuanian prose and screenplay writer Icchokas Meras, immigrated to Israel in 1972 together with her parents; later she settled in Paris. Mikšys, who will be ninety years old this year, left for the West during the years of WWII and in 1962 also chose Paris as his new home.
Miriam Meras art works

Žibuntas Mikšys art works
Miriam Meras and Žibuntas Mikšys’ exhibition was organised by the Laiptų Galerija culture centre in Šiauliai that initiated the artists’ first exhibition in 1996 after Lithuania’s independence was restored in 1990. The deep meaning of the expressive coloured lithographs by Meras is revealed by eternal symbols. Mikšys, a recognised Lithuanian graphic artist, is more known for his etchings; this time, however, his lino-block prints are exhibited. Displayed also are his prints with letterings created in the mid-20th century that influenced his further creative work.
The Director of Laiptų Galerija culture centre in Šiauliai Janina Ališauskienė, close friend of Žibuntas Mikšys, participated in the opening of the exhibition. Ališauskienė shared her story about the life of the artists’ couple, living in Paris. Guest of the event Hab. Dr. Antanas Andrijauskas enriched the Ališauskienė’s story with his insights into the creative process of Meras and Mikšys, talking about the altruism of the professional artists.

Director of ‚ Laiptai Gallery‘ J. Ališauskienė and the Curator of the exhibition A. Jacovskytė

Moment from the opening of the exhibition
From the left: Prof., Dr. A. Andrijauskas, Head of VGSJM Righteous Gentiles Department D. Selčinskaja, Deputy Director of VGSJM J. Razumienė
Photos of Laiptų Galerija culture centre
| Modified: 3/18/2013 |