| Catalogues of the Exhibitions |
Rhona Gorvy: creative insights Graphics & Sculpture from South Africa
A Catalog of the Exhibition.
Texts by – Ilona Murauskaitė, Karina Simonson, Ieva Šadzevičienė Editor Živilė Juonytė Translated into English by Diana Guogienė Design – Aleksandra Jacovskytė, Giedrė Zaveckienė
Printed by UAB „Biznio mašinų kompanija“ 24 pp., 2017, with photographs, Lithuanian, English
Price 3,00 €
Jacques Lipchitz Gyvenimas skulptūroje Vie en sculpture Life in sculpture
A Catalog of the Exhibition. Author of the catalogue / Auteur du catalogue Aušra Rožankevičiūtė Translated by / Traduction Isabelle Gaullier, Diana Guogienė Graphic design by / Mise en page Jokūbas Jacovskis Published by / Publié par Inter se Printed by / Imprimé par Kopa
ISBN 978-9955-767-27-5 96 pp., 2016, with photographs, Lithuanian, English, French
Price 10,00 €
Cornelia Gurlitt: the Journey of the Heart Vilnius of 1915-1917 in the eyes of a German expressionist
2015 A Catalog of the Exhibition. Lithographs and drawings by Cornelia Gurlitt (1890-1919) reveal the drama of an artist, who served as the sister of mercy at Vilnius’ German military hospital during the years of WWI. The book is richly illustrated. Authors and translators – Hubert Portz, Ieva šadzevičienė, Jutta Schmitz, Markas Zingeris, Vilija Gerulaitienė, Catherine Hickley Editors – Hubert Portz, Markus Knecht Compile by – Markus Knecht, Landau ISBN: 978-3-939427-23-3 72 pp., 2015; with reproductions and photographs, Lithuanian, English and German
Price 8,00 € |

Lithuanian Jews behind the Iron Curtain
2014 A Catalogue of the Traveling Exhibition ISBN 978-9955-767-23-7 8 pp., 2014, Lithuanian and English
Price 1,50 €
Rafael Chvoles. The search for Jerusalem
2013 The album by Litvak artist Rafael Chwoles (1913, Vilnius – 2002, Paris) Rafael Chwoles. Search for Jerusalem was launched at the Tolerance Centre.The album has been published by the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum and the sons of the artist, Alexander Chwoles and Milij Chwoles, who are patrons of the album. The album was published to commemorate the 100th anniversary since the birth of Rafael Chwoles and with the aim to promote the works of the undeservedly forgotten artist. The album is richly illustrated Text by Laima Laučkaitė Translated into English by Aldona Matulytė English language editor Joseph Everatt Text translated from the Yiddish by Lena Benoualid Reviewed by Dr. Lara Lempertienė, Dr. Nijolė Tumėnienė Designer – Jūratė Razumienė Coordinator – Gajane Leonenko Consultant Milij Chvoles ISBN 978-9955-767-20-6 272 pp., 2013, Rafael Chvoles’ photographs are used in this book. Lithuanian, English and French
Price 26,00 €
Educating for Life Ort in Lithuania
2013 A Catalogue of the Traveling Exhibition ISBN 978-9955-767-18-3 40 pp., 2013, Lithuanian and English
Price 2,00 €
Export permitted: Vilnius by Rachael Chwoles
Catalogue of the exhibition. 36 pp., 2012, Lithuanian, French, English
Price 4,00 €
Catalogue of the Holocaust Exhibition
2011 The catalogue deals with the history and culture of the once numerous ethnic minority in Lithuania – the Jews from their arrival in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until the massacres. The events that happened during Nazi occupation take up the largest part of the publication: the lawlessness, massacres, the establishment of ghettoes, the extermination of the Jewry in the provinces, as well as the fight put up by the people who had lost everything, their attempts to revolt, to have an aim, to foster hopes, to look to a brighter future. The catalogue contains authentic photography and document copies from the museum stocks, Lithuanian and foreign archives. The information is given in Lithuanian and English. Authors and compilers – Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė, Milda Jakulytė-Vasil Translator – Zuzana Šiušaitė ISBN 978-9955-767-12-1 298 pp., 2011, with photographs, Lithuanian and English
Price 11,50 €
Samuel Bak. Stations in Life
Catalogue of the exhibition. 42 pp., 2011, Pucker Gallery, Lithuanian and English
Price 4,50 €
A Glimpse of Young Vilne. From the Museums Collections
2010 The catalogue “A Glimpse of Yung Vilne” of the exhibition with the same title presents works of the artists of the Yung Vilne, the Jewish avant-garde group from the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum stocks. The catalogue carries selected bibliography about Yung Vilne and the article that presents the works of the most distinguished artists of the group. Compiled by Ilona Murauskaitė ISBN 978-9955-767-08-4 2010, 48 p. with photographs, Lithuanian and English
Price 2,00 €

If I Forget Thee… Butrimonys
2009 This catalogue accompanies the exhibition “If I forget Thee”. It is about the Jewish Community in Butrimonys and their tragic fate. The catalogue is based on photographs and reminiscences that each represent a lifestory, forming a mosaic of Jewish life in the sthetl. Materials collected by Riva Lozanski-Bogomolnaja. Compiled by D. Epšteinatė 2009, 35 pp. with photographs ISBN 978-9955-767-04-6 English and Lithuanian
Price 2,00 €
They lived in Vabalninkas 1925-1941
2009 This album about the fate of Vabalninkas Jews is based on photographs taken by prewar photographer Juozas Daubaras. His pictures return to the survivors of these families of this small town – dispersed in the whole world the images of their lost dear. Compiled by D. Epšteinaitė 2009, 167 pp. With photographs ISBN: 978-9955-736-25-7 in English ISBN: 978-9955-736-24-0 in Lithuanian
Price 6,00 €
Man Ray
Catalogue of the exhibition “Man Ray. Magician and discoverer” Text by Ieva Šadzevičienė Editor Kamilė Rupeikaitė Translated to English Justina Urbonaitė Translated to French Isabelle Chandavoine ISBN 978-9955-767-03-9 2009, 28 pp., lithuanian, english and fench
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.

Art and Fate of Jewish Painters from Kaunas
2007 The book describes the open artistic environment in pre-war Kaunas – which at this time functioned as the provisional capital of Lithuania – and shows how the multilingual and multinational cultural scene influenced the world-view of many Jewish painters and how this rich culture was destroyed by the Nazis and their helpers. Compiled by Irina Nikitina 2007, 40 pp. with photographs, English and Lithuanian ISBN 5-415-01902-2
Price 2,50 €
Vilniaus geto afišos
Album-Catalogue: Vilna Ghetto Posters
2006 This catalogue of Vilna Ghetto posters provides insights into Jewish cultural life, a moral response to the daily violence and the global Holocaust in Vilna Ghetto. It includes a detailed cumulative list and reproductions of Vilna Ghetto posters. Compiled by Jevgenia Biber, Rocha Kostanian & Judita Rozina 2006, 371 pp. with photographs hardcover, large format; English & Lithuanian ISBN 9955-23-584
Price 17,00 €
Jewish Life in Lithuania
2001 A catalogue of the mobile exhibition by the same name, containing information on the history and culture of Lithuanian Jews, the Holocaust, the role of the Jewish community and anti-Semitism today. By Rūta Puišytė and Darius Staliūnas 2001, second edition 2007, 222 pp.; English & Lithuanian, with photographs ISBN 9986-34-090-X
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
Vilna Ghetto Posters – Jewish Spiritual Resistance
1999 This book presents a unique archival collection of authentic posters from the Vilna Ghetto which miraculously survived the Holocaust. They held lectures, talks on healthcare, choirs, symphony and jazz concerts, lotteries for winter help campaigns, sport competitions and children and youth club performances which took place in 1942 and 1943 in the Ghetto. Two cards with poster reproductions are also available for USD 2 each if ordered together with the catalogue. Compiled by Jevgenija Biber and Rachel Kostanian 1999, 52 pp.; English, preface in English, Lithuanian & Yiddish, with 16 reproductions ISBN 9986-9019-6-0
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
Lithuanian Synagogues
1997 Catalogue of the exhibition by the same name. Provides information about destroyed, surviving and operating synagogues. By Eugenijus Potalujus 1997, 48 pp., with photographs; Lithuanian, English & Hebrew
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
| Modified: 6/6/2017 1 |
| | | | Information | 2017.03.01 | |
If you want to order a guided tour or educational programme please contact us in advance: tel. +370 60163612, email: muziejus@jmuseum.lt
If you want to order an educational programme, please contact us at: +370 5 212 0112, +370 6 8986 191 or via email muziejus@jmuseum.lt
Tolerance Center (Naugarduko St. 10/2) working hours: Monday,Thursday: 10:00-18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-18:00 Friday: 10:00-16:00 Saturday-closed, Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Holocaust Exposition (Pamėnkalnio St. 12) working hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-17:00 Friday: 9:00-16:00 Saturday-closed Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Memorial Museum of Paneriai (Agrastų St. 15, Aukštieji Paneriai) working hours: Monday-closed Tuesday–Sunday 9:00-17:00 From October until May the Memorial Museum is open by appointment only.
If you are interested in visiting the museum/the memorial with a tour guide, please contact us at least a day in advance at +370 699 90 384 or via email mantas.siksnianas@jmuseum.lt
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