| Serial Publications |
Hands Bringing Life and Bread (4 volume)
2009 The 4th book Hands Bringing Life and Bread contains the authentic testimonies of Holocaust survivors, their memoirs, documents selections. The book includes a lot of old families photos taken before and after the war. The 4th book Hands Bringing Life and Bread is dedicated to Sofija Binkienė, the legendary rescuer of the Jews. Sofija Binkienė was the compiler of the first book about rescuers of the Jews Ir be ginklo kariai (Unarmed Fighters), issued in 1967 in Vilnius. Compiled by D. Selčinskaja 2009, 278 p., with photographs ISBN: 978-9955-767-06-0 English ISBN: 977-1392-366-00-5 Lithuanian
Price 9,00 €
Hands Bringing Life and Bread (3 volume)
2005 The third volume of “Hands Bringing Life and Bread”, published by the Dept. of Righteous Gentiles contains stories of those who showed humanity during the darkest hours of history – the Righteous Gentiles. It is dedicated to Ona Simaitė in celebration of the 110th anniversary of her birth. This courageous woman is well known for her deeds during WWII, but is only one of 72 Rescuers of Jews in Lithuania presented in this volume. Compiled by Viktorija Sakaitė; Edited by Dalija Epšteinaitė 2005, 128 pp.; Lithuanian & English ISBN 9986-34-144-2
Price 2,50 €
Hands Bringing Life and Bread (2 volume)
1999 The museum’s Department of Rescuers collects material on those heroic Lithuanians who risked their lives rescuing Jews during the Holocaust. The books contain documented stories and photographs of over 100 rescuers and their families. Five more volumes are planned for publication in the future. Compiled by Dalija Epšteinaitė, Viktorija Sakaitė 1999, 133 pp. with photographs; English and Lithuanian ISBN 9986-9019-7-9
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
Hands Bringing Life and Bread (1 volume)
1997 The museum’s Department of Rescuers collects material on those heroic Lithuanians who risked their lives rescuing Jews during the Holocaust. The books contain documented stories and photographs of over 100 rescuers and their families. Five more volumes are planned for publication in the future. Compiled by Mikhail Erenburg, Viktorija Sakaitė 1997, 111 pp. with photographs; English and Lithuanian ISBN 9986-9019-4-4
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
Shoah: The Holocaust in Lithuania Part II
2004 The second part of “Holocaust in Lithuania” contains more than 50 articles on four major topics: Lithuanian Jews in battle against Nazism, rescuers of Jews, thoughts on the “Theory of the two genocides,” and reprinted statements by public, cultural, scientific and political figures about the Shoah in Lithuania. Compiled by Josef Levinsonas 2004, 343 pp.; Lithuanian, synopses in English ISBN 9955-584-18-1
Price 2,00 €
Shoah: The Holocaust in Lithuania Part I
2001 Academic articles by Lithuanian historians, archive material (including anti-Jewish appeals and Lithuanian authorities’ memoranda from 1941), survivors’ and witnesses’ memoirs. With an introduction by the compiler. Compiled by Josifas Levinsonas 2001, 247 pp., with photographs; Lithuanian, synopses in English ISBN 9986-494-66-4
Price 1,00 €
The Jewish Museum Almanac (3)
2005 The third volume of the Jewish Museum Almanac is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the liquidation of the Vilnius ghetto (September 23, 1943) and to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Martyrs and Heroes of Catastrophe – Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. It contains poems, articles and columns about various themes in Lithuania’s Jewish life. Compiled and edited by Dalija Epšteinaitė 2005, 304 pp.; Lithuanian, synopses in English & Russian ISBN: 9955-9556-5-1
Price 2,00 €
The Jewish Museum Almanac (2)
2001 A collection of essays, memoirs, short stories and poetry related to the history and culture of Lithuanian Jews. Compiled by Dalija Epšteinaitė 2001, 349 pp., with photographs; Lithuanian ISBN 9986-494-58-3
Price 2,00 €
The Jewish Museum Almanac (1)
1994 A collection of articles, essays, archive documents and memoirs concerning the rich history of Lithuanian Jewry. Editor Yevsey Tseytlin 1994, 360 pp., with photograps; Lithuanian and Russian (English and Yiddish summaries) ISBN 9986-9019-1-X
Price 1,50 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1992-1993 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
2006 The bibliography provides annotated (in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages) bibliographical entries in the Lithuanian periodical press. The theme of the annotated writings is the history of Lithuanian Jews until WWII, the Holocaust, Nazi crimes, rescuers of Jews, Lithuanian-Jewish relations and the social and cultural life of Lithuanian Jews. Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina 2006; 256 pp.; Lithuanian, Russian, English ISBN 9955-9556-9-4
Price 2,50 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1990-1991 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
2003 Themes in the bibliography include collected articles on the Holocaust and Nazi crimes, Jewish struggle against Nazis, the rebirth of Jewish life in Lithuania and Lithuanian-Israeli relations. The bibliographical indices cover the periods of 1990–1991. Contains references to all articles concerning Jewish issues which appeared during this period in the Lithuanian press. This is an especially valuable tool for research. Each entry has a summary in English, Lithuanian and Russian. Edition, Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina 2003, 226 pp.; Lithuanian, Russian, English ISBN 9955-9556-3-5
Price 2,50 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1985-1989 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
Themes in the bibliography include collected articles on the Holocaust and Nazi crimes, Jewish struggle against Nazis, the rebirth of Jewish life in Lithuania and Lithuanian-Israeli relations. The bibliographical indices cover the periods of 1985–1989. Contains references to all articles concerning Jewish issues which appeared during this period in the Lithuanian press. This is an especially valuable tool for research. Each entry has a summary in English, Lithuanian and Russian. Edition, Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina, S. Šatalova 2000, 152 pp.; Lithanian, Russian, English ISBN 9986-9019-8-7
Price 2,00 € |
| Modified: 9/5/2016 1 |
| | | | Information | 2017.03.01 | |
If you want to order a guided tour or educational programme please contact us in advance: tel. +370 60163612, email: muziejus@jmuseum.lt
If you want to order an educational programme, please contact us at: +370 5 212 0112, +370 6 8986 191 or via email muziejus@jmuseum.lt
Tolerance Center (Naugarduko St. 10/2) working hours: Monday,Thursday: 10:00-18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-18:00 Friday: 10:00-16:00 Saturday-closed, Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Holocaust Exposition (Pamėnkalnio St. 12) working hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-17:00 Friday: 9:00-16:00 Saturday-closed Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Memorial Museum of Paneriai (Agrastų St. 15, Aukštieji Paneriai) working hours: Monday-closed Tuesday–Sunday 9:00-17:00 From October until May the Memorial Museum is open by appointment only.
If you are interested in visiting the museum/the memorial with a tour guide, please contact us at least a day in advance at +370 699 90 384 or via email mantas.siksnianas@jmuseum.lt
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