| Events archive |
2017 |
Events: |
On June 21, screening of the film ‘Defiance’, based on Nechama Tec’s book ‘Defiance: The Bielski Partisans’ was held in the museum’s Tolerance Center |
On June 15, a lecture about David Goldblatt, one of the most renowned South African photographers, was delivered in the museum’s Tolerance Center by Karina Simonson, a museologist, art researcher and PhD candidate.
On May 20, Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum joined the initiative ‘Museum Night in Lithuania’ and opened its doors after usual working hours |
On May 17, 2017, an event, dedicated to the exhibition ‘Generations and Destinies’, was held in the museum’s Tolerance Center |
On April 20, 2017, the screening of the Czech documentary film ‘Seven Lights’ and meeting with its director Olga Sommerová took place at the museum’s Tolerance Center |
On March 22-23, conference “As Mass Murder Began: Identifying and Remembering the Killing Sites of Summer-Fall 1941”, organized by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), was held at the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
On March 9, 2017, a presentation of the book „We Did not Murder“ and a discussion „The Curse of the Holocaust“ were held at the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
On March 7, 2017, an event, dedicated to the linguist Chatzkel Lemchen (1904-2001), was held at the museum |
On the 31st of January, discussion „Banality of Evil“ with the director of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, writer Markas Zingeris, and the historian, Docent Dr. Nerijus Šepetys, and screening of the biographical film “Hannah Arendt“ (2013) were held at the museum’s Tolerance Center in order to commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day |
Exhibitions: |
On 1st of March, 2017, the first day of calendar spring, when nature starts to awaken, exhibition „The Eternal Nature“ by the graphic artist Tatjana Kazimierėnienė was opened at the museum’s Tolerance Center |
On February 13, 2017, the exhibition “Generations and Destinies” was opened at the museum’s Tolerance Center. The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of Algirdas Savickis – the brother of the Lithuanian art patriarch Augustinas Savickas – who tragically died in the Kaunas Ghetto |
On January 26, 2017, the eve of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the exhibition „SŁAWIK and ANTALL. A Pole and a Hungarian – the Great RIGHTEOUS. HEROES of Three Nations: Poles, Hungarians, Jews“ and the documentary “Life on the Edge. Henryk Sławik – József Antall Senior“ were presented at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
On January 18, 2017, the exhibition of photos by Gregory Talas, a Lithuania-born artist |
2016 |
Events: |
On December 13, 2016, photo of a Jewish cemetery, taken by the famous South African photographer David Godlblatt, was presented to the Vilna Gaon State Jewish museum
On the 1st of December, 2016, an extraordinary meeting with brother Evaldas Darulis OFM was held at the museum‘s Tolerance Center. The meeting was dedicated to psalms and their reflections in art
On 26 September, 2016, at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania a meeting was held between vice-minister Dr Romas Jarockis, head of Museum, Library and Archives Department Rūta Pileckaitė, chief specialist Vaiva Lankelienė and management of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum regarding plans to reconstruct the museum’s unit in Druskininkai and to turn it into a modern Jacques Lipchitz museum that would stay open all year round
Director of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, writer Markas Zingeris participated at The International Forum of Lvov‘s Publishers on the 18th of September, 2016
“Vilnius Divertismentas” ensemble performed at the Tolerance Center on the 10th of May, 2016, presenting the musical program “You Have Never Heard It Before”, dedicated to the 130th birth Anniversary of the legendary singer of American popular music, actor of musical theatre and cinema Al Jolson, who was born in Lithuania, district of Jurbarkas
5th of May, 2016, Literary lecture "Hate is Failure of Imagination" took place at the Tolerance Center
10th of March, 2016, the preview of the documentary "Farewell Herr Schwarz" (Schnee von gestern, 2013, Germany/Israel) and the meeting with movie director Yael Reuveny
20th to 22nd of January, 2016, the three day seminar "Holocaust, the Collaboration and the Mass Murder in Lithuania" |
27th of January, 2016, "The Fragments of the Children Ghetto Diaries". The commerotional event, following the educational project RESONANT REMEMBRANCE OF HOLOCAUST VICTIMS
Exhibitions: |
On the 20th of December, 2016, the international medal exhibition to commemorate Boris Schatz was opened at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
November 16, 2016, an exhibition dedicated to the Romanian rescuers of Jews was opened and the movie “Sisters” was screened at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
October 28, 2016, Psalms, an exhibition of paintings by the famous Polish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, poet, writer and scenographer, Andrzej Strumiłło, was commenced in the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
20th of September, 2016, Jacques Lipchitz Exhibition From The Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum And Private Collections Opened At M. Žilinskas Art Gallery
21st of September, 2016, the medal exhibition "Signs for the Future.Medals from the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and private collections" was opened at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
18th of July, 2016. Cornelia Gurlitt artworks exhibition "Cornelia Gurlitt: The Journey of the Heart. Vilnius Trough the Eyes of German Expressionist: 1915-197" from Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and private collections was opened in Curonian Spit History Museum (Pamario Str. 53, Neringa) |
1st of July, 2016, The Tolerance Centre of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum proudly presents an exhibition of artworks by a Litvak sculptor Jacques Lipchitz (1891-1973) titled "Life in Sculpture. Jacques Lipchitz-125" |
31st of March, 2016, the photography exhibition „From Unknown to Unknown: World War II Refugees in Lithuania“ from the collections of M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art was opened at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
4th of February, 2016, the exhibition "Cornelia Gurlitt: the Journey of the Heart.Kaunas and Vilnius Accents 1915-1917" from the collections of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and the private collections, was opened at M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art M. Žilinskas Art Gallery |
2015 |
Exhibitions: |
16 December, 2015. The exhibition "Shalom, Israel. The Paths of Litvak Artists", presenting 24 Litvak artists and 37 pieces of art that unveil the two-way development of Jewish art was opened at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum |
1 October, 2015. The exhibition „Holocaust by Bullets. Yahad – In Unum ten years of investigation“ was opened at VGSJM Tolerance Center |
25 August, 2015, the photography exhibition “Scots Jews: Identity, Belonging and the Future“ was opened at the Tolerance Center |
12 May, 2015, the exhibition Synagogues of East-Central Europe, 1781-1944 |
26 March, 2015, the exhibition „Cornelia Gurlitt: the Journey of the Heart“. Vilnius through the Eyes of a German Expressionist: 1915-1917 was opened at the Tolerance Center |
Events: |
3 December, 2015. The public presentation of the future branch of the Museum – The Center of Litvak Culture and Art (CLCA) took place on the at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
16 November, 2015. International Day for Tolerance with romantic comedy “Hana‘S Journey”
17 September, 2015, official presentation of this precious exhibit, supplemented with the moving video story of Dita Šperlingienė-Zupavičienė took place at the Holocaust Exhibition
28 August, 2015, meeting with photographer David Goldblatt
23 July, 2015, The Margol / Freedman Group of American Fund for Lithuanian – Latvian Jews, IMC, paid their yearly visit
21 July, 2015, Professor Daniel J. Lasker delivered the lecture “When Eastern European Karaites Were Still Jewish – Karaite Jewish Life in Lithuania and Eastern Europe“
8 July, 2015, Evangelical deanery Vorderer Odenwald group visits the Tolerance Center
30 April, 2015, Literary Collage “Defending Democracy” took place at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
27 January, 2015, the commemorational event, dedicated for the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day |
2014 |
16 December, 2014, Final Event of the Competition for Complex Re-arrangement of Paneriai Memorial Took Place
13 November, 2014, the International Tolerance Day
5 November, 2014, exhibition The Jewish Museum In Lithuania: Past and Present
2 October, 2014, “He was like a captain of a ship”, Kaunas ghetto resistance leader Dmitrijus Gelpernas commemorated at Holocaust Exhibit |
31 October, 2014, Works of Cornelia Gurlitt, who discovered Vilnius during WWI, donated to Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
25 September, 2014, Avrom Sutzkever‘s poetry performed at Vilnius Ghetto Library Ruins
15 September, 2014, The museum foundation will be enriched with three of Max Band’s paintings a representative of the L‘Ecole de Paris |
17 September, 2014, a remembrance evening to commemorate the diplomats who saved Jewish lives during WWII took place at the Tolerance Centre of the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum
10 September, 2014, best Paneriai memorial rearrangement idea to be selected
5 August, 2014, opening of the exhibition of Litvak painting and sculpture the Colours and Forms of France
20 August 2014 Paneriai: Sixteen Ideas for Memorial Reconstruction
2014 06 27 donation ceremony of a painting by Jokūbas Kazlauskas
17 June, 2014, the presentation of the album of photographs Faces of Vilnius by Aleksandra Jacovskytė
27 of March, 2014, the presentation of the album "Rafael Chwoles. The Search for Jerusalem" |
13 March, 2014, the exhibition "Lithuanian Jews Under the Iron Curtain" |
23 January, 2014, the screening of the documentary "Call Me a Jew" |
24 of February, 2014, lecture by Jean-François Hangouët & Anne Morange and the preview of the movie "Searching for Romain Gary"
25 of February, 2014, the public procurements Commission on the Ideas of the Comprehensive Re-arrangement of Paneriai Holocaust and Nazi Victims Memorial gathered on its first session
2013 |
Opening of the exhibition "Franz Kafka", the preview of the movie "America" on 21 November 2013
14 November, 2013, the creative program of Hadas Kalderon „A Journey Through History, Poetry and Art: 100th Year Birth Anniversary of Yiddish Writer Abraham Sutzkever“
6 November, 2013, the representatives of Tel Aviv "Maccabi" met with Lithuanian students in the Tolerance Center
8 October, 2013, opening of the exhibition „Educating for Life: ORT in Lithuania“
25 September, 2013, Sculpture Saadia Bahat donates the art work for the collections of the Museum
25 September, 2013, Doron Polak performance „A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013“
25 September, 2013, opening of the ghetto hideout called malina at the Holocaust exhibition
23 September, 2013 President Dalia Grybauskaitė presented the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania to the Director of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum Jaša Markas Zingeris
8 August, 2013, The lecture „Memory as the Fig-leaf for Hate“ by Dr. Shimon Samuels
1 August, 2013 President of Israel Shimon Peres and President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė visited the Tolerance Center
17 July, 2013, The lecture „Avrom Suckever and Vilnius“ by Gilles Rozier
11 June, 2013, The exhibition „Engravings by Cécile Reims“ (Gravures de Cécile Reims)
12 April, 2013, Photo exhibition “Being Jewish. Vilnius Jewish Identity Project” by Peter Rigaud
11 April, 2013, The exhibition „Authentic Jew from the Land of Canaan“ from Alicya B. Schottlas private collection
14 March, 2013, The exhibition of the graphic art works of Miriam Meras and Žibuntas Mikšys
7 March, 2013, The prewiev of the documentary „Meeting With Nationalists“ and the round table discussion about the rising ideas of the radical nationalism in Lithuania
21 February, 2013, Literary evenings in February: „We Are Here. Memories of Lithuanian Holocaust“, written by Ellen Cassedy
19 Ferbruary, 2013, Literary evenings in February: „Darknes and Partners“ written by Sigitas Parulskis
24 January, 2013, Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Documentary “The Pit of Life and Torment”
2012 |
December 4, 2012, The exhibition “Man Amidst Inhumanity” devoted to the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg
November 16, 2012, Tolerance Anthem Contest
September 19, 2012 Opening of the exhibition „Wergeland‘s Legacy. Jewish Life in Norway“
September 5, 2012, Visit of the Benefactors of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to the Tolerance Center
June 13 - September 21, 2012, The exhibition “TRANSPORT PERMITTED: Vilnius by Rafael Chwoles“
May 16, 2012, Discussion with Dr. Timothy Snyder
May 8, 2012, Lecture “Saadia Bahat: Life and Art” of the Israeli sculptor Saadia Bahat
April 17, 2012, Exhibition "Letters to Sala: A Young Woman's Life in Nazi Labor Camps"
December 30, 2011 - March 30, 2012 The exhibition of Samuel Bak
March 16, 2012 The presentation of the book “Lithuanian Holocaust Atlas” at the Tolerance Center |
2011 |
November 16, 2011 International conference “Tolerance and Totalitarianism. Challenges to Freedom”
October 25, 2011, The exhibition „They Came to Stay: Polish Jews”
September 20, 2011 the opening of the exhibition Signs of the lost civilisation: Synagogues and Traditional Art Symbols of Lita
July 21, 2011 The exhibition „THE JEWISH WORLD OF YESTERDAY, THE HOPE OF TODAY: Pictures and Stories of Lithuanian Jewish Families by Centropa“
May - June, 2011 Evenings of American Films
May 24, 2011 The international workshop “The ashes of Paneriai: tribute to the Holocaust victims. Ideas for the reconstruction of the memorial”
May 20, 2011 event to commemorate Anton Schmid, Righteous Among the Nations
April 19, 2011 The exhibition “Alfred Dreyfus: The Fight for Justice”
April 14, 2011 Commeration of Israel Biderman-Izi birth‘s centenary
April 13, 2011 a solemn ceremony to honor the Righteous Among the Nations from Lithuania Elena Laurinavičienė (posthumously) and her sons Jonas (posthumously), Bronislovas and late Pranas was held at Yad Vashem (Israel).
April 11, 2011 Presentation of the book “The Light of Jerusalem. A Story of Faithfulness” by Michaël de Saint-Cheron
March 31, 2011, The exhibition “The Last Wooden Synagogues” of the works by the French artist Gilles Vuillard
Februar 8-9, 2011 paper of Danutė Selčinkaja ‘The Rescued Lithuanian Jewish Child Tells about Shoah' (DVD presentation) on International seminar "Experience and Prospects of Preservation of Oral History"
January 26-27, 2011 Commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Holocaust Exhibition
January 26, 2011 The International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Claude Lanzmann's documentary cycle "Shoah"
2010 |
December 7, 2010 Opening of the audio and video exhibition “A Glimpse of Jung Vilne”
November 29-December 3, 2010 seminar „Training teacher-trainers: European Holocaust History, Human Rights and Tolerance Today“
November 16, 2010 Commemoration of the International Tolerance Day the conference “People with Disabilities in the Cultural and Cultural Context”
October-November, 2010 cycle of the events “The Autumn with the 20th-Century Czechoslovakian Classical Movies”
October 19, 2010 Opening of the renovated Holocaust exhibition
September 30, 2010 Lecture of Professor Zygmunt Bauman "Selves as Objects of Consumption"
September 24, 2010 Bente Kahan's performance “The Songs from the Ghetto”
September 23, 2010 The concert “The Silenced Voices” was held to commemorate the victims of the Lithuanian Jews Genocide
September 22, 2010 Educational event for schoolchildren – a preview of the film “Dėdė Chackelis”(Uncle Chackel)
September 6–November 26, 2010 The exhibition "Lasar Segall: From Vilnius to São Paulo"
June 15-July 25, 2010 The photography exhibition by Jose Antonio de Lamadrid “The Others: Christian, Muslim and Jewish Minorities in Three Mediterranean Countries”
May 20, 2010 Concert of Rzeszow Klezmer Band (Poland)
May 19, 2010 Concert of Maxwell Street Klezmer Band (USA)
May 5, 2010 Concert "Jewish Bel Canto" of the chief cantor of the Vienna Jewish Community Shmuel Barzilai
April 28-June 10, 2010 Exhibition “Uni-Diversity: Thousand Faces of the World” of the photography works by Gianluca Capri
April 1, 2010 The visit of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation from Lippe
March 4, 2010, The concert „Hatikva“, presented by the Italian association „Shalom“
February 19-April 23, 2010, The exhibition „Silent cinema“ (“The Painted Bird”), by Polish artist Wieslaw Rosocha
January 26, 2010 Commemoration of the International Holocaust Day
January 25, 2010 Educational event, dedicated to the Commemoration of the International Holocaust Day
2009 |
November 16, 2009, Commemoration of the International Tolerance day "A Better World"
November 5, 2009-January 31, 2010 - The opening of M. Percov works “The Heritage”
October 2, 2009, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė’s visit to the Centre for Tolerance at the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
September 24, 2009 The visit by Tom Vraalsen, the chairman-ambassador of the Task Force for the International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research
September 22, 2009, The opening of the permanent exhibition “Rescued Lithuanian Jewish Child Tells about the Shoah” commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and Lithuanian Jews’ Genocide Day
September 10-October 9, 2009, multimedia exhibition “Surviving History: Portraits from Vilna”
August 6-September 3, 2009, educational exhibition “The Power of Civil Society: the Fate of Jews in Bulgaria”
July 5-August 4, 2009, exhibition "144 Biblical Miniatures"
May 14-June 17, 2009, exhibition of painter Filomena Linciute-Vaitiekuniene "The Pathways of Promised Land"
April 30-June 25, 2009, exhibition of photograps "Man Ray. Magician and Discoverer"
April 21, 2009, the awards ceremony for Righteous Gentiles took place at the Vilnius University Aula. There 16 people (14 of them post mortem) where awarded.
April 7-May 7, 2009, exhibition "Karl Plagge - Righteous Among the Nations"
January 21-April 23, 2009, exhibition devoted to the memory of Butrimonys Jewish Community, "If I Forget Thee..."
September 23, 2003, the presentation of the sculpture “Jacques Lipchitz” by Nehemia Arbit Blatas at the Tolerance Centre |
| Modified: 7/7/2017 1 |
| | | | Information | 2017.03.01 | |
If you want to order a guided tour or educational programme please contact us in advance: tel. +370 60163612, email: muziejus@jmuseum.lt
If you want to order an educational programme, please contact us at: +370 5 212 0112, +370 6 8986 191 or via email muziejus@jmuseum.lt
Tolerance Center (Naugarduko St. 10/2) working hours: Monday,Thursday: 10:00-18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-18:00 Friday: 10:00-16:00 Saturday-closed, Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Holocaust Exposition (Pamėnkalnio St. 12) working hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-17:00 Friday: 9:00-16:00 Saturday-closed Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Memorial Museum of Paneriai (Agrastų St. 15, Aukštieji Paneriai) working hours: Monday-closed Tuesday–Sunday 9:00-17:00 From October until May the Memorial Museum is open by appointment only.
If you are interested in visiting the museum/the memorial with a tour guide, please contact us at least a day in advance at +370 699 90 384 or via email mantas.siksnianas@jmuseum.lt
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