| History Publications |
Aistė Niunkaitė Račiūnienė The Plastic Plan of Vilnius from the Vilnius Ghetto. Circumstances, testimonies and creators
ISBN 978-9955-767-26-8 32 pp., 2015, Lithuanian and English
Price 7,00 €
The Chronicals of the Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai Ghettos
2011 ISBN 978-9955-767-12-1 16 pp., 2011, Lithuanian and English
Price 1,50 € |
Aistė Niunkaitė Račiūnienė The World of the Lithuanian Jewish Traditional Art and Symbols (Lietuvos žydų tradicinio meno ir simbolių pasaulis)
2011 The monograph by Dr. Aistė Niunkaitė-Račiūnienė analyses the sources of traditional Jewish art, gives a review of forms of traditional Jewish art of Lithuania (Lita); it also carries an analysis of the interior details of synagogues and ritual objects. Much attention is given to the symbols of Jewish visual art and their classification. The supplement to the monograph Catalogue of Historical Iconographic Sources carries over a thousand photographs of synagogues and ritual objects from 169 cities and towns of Lita. The book is meant for experts on culture and the general public interested in Lithuanian Jewish culture. ISBN 978-9955-767-10-7 696 p., 2011, with photographs, Lithuanian
Price 26,00 €
The Ghettos of Oshmyany, Svir, Švenčionys Regions: Lists of Prisoners. 1942 (Contents, preface)
2009 The book has been prepared on basis of materials of the national census of the General district of Lithuania conducted in 1942. The publication includes Lists of Prisoners; the article on the genocide of the Jews in Oshmyany, Svir, Shvenchionys regions between 1941 and 1943; name indexes, some documents of the occupant government and the Lithuanian officials; postal letters of Ghetto prisoners; pictures from the museum funds, archives, personal collections and pictures made specially for this book. Compiled by Irina Guzenberg, Olga Movšovič and Jevgenija Sedova 2009, 720 pp. English, Lithuania and Russian ISBN 978-9955-767-02-2
Price 9,00 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1992-1993 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
2006 The bibliography provides annotated (in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages) bibliographical entries in the Lithuanian periodical press. The theme of the annotated writings is the history of Lithuanian Jews until WWII, the Holocaust, Nazi crimes, rescuers of Jews, Lithuanian-Jewish relations and the social and cultural life of Lithuanian Jews. Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina 2006; 256 pp.; Lithuanian, Russian, English ISBN 9955-9556-9-4
Price 2,50 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1990-1991 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
2003 Themes in the bibliography include collected articles on the Holocaust and Nazi crimes, Jewish struggle against Nazis, the rebirth of Jewish life in Lithuania and Lithuanian-Israeli relations. The bibliographical indices cover the periods of 1990–1991. Contains references to all articles concerning Jewish issues which appeared during this period in the Lithuanian press. This is an especially valuable tool for research. Each entry has a summary in English, Lithuanian and Russian. Edition, Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina 2003, 226 pp.; Lithuanian, Russian, English ISBN 9955-9556-3-5
Price 2,50 €
Jewish Themes in the Lithuanian Press 1985-1989 (A Bibliographical Index) (Contents, foreword)
Themes in the bibliography include collected articles on the Holocaust and Nazi crimes, Jewish struggle against Nazis, the rebirth of Jewish life in Lithuania and Lithuanian-Israeli relations. The bibliographical indices cover the periods of 1985–1989. Contains references to all articles concerning Jewish issues which appeared during this period in the Lithuanian press. This is an especially valuable tool for research. Each entry has a summary in English, Lithuanian and Russian. Edition, Compiled by I. Guzenberg, L. Šaraškina, S. Šatalova 2000, 152 pp.; Lithanian, Russian, English ISBN 9986-9019-8-7
Price 2,00 €
Spiritual Resistance in the Vilna Ghetto (Dvasinė rezistencija Vilniaus Gete)
2002 Vilna Ghetto intellectual elite created a meaningful life amidst the humiliation, carnage and death. Schools and orphanages, music and lectures, medical and social care operated in the ghetto until its very last days. The book raises questions about spiritual and armed resistance, the collaboration of the Judenrat and the Jewish Police force. By Rachel Kostanian-Danzig 2002, 134 pp. with photographs, English ISBN 9986-9387-2-4
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
THE H.K.P. Jewish Labor Camp. 1943-1944 (Contents) Documents of the H.K.P. Jewish Labor Camp in the Lithuanian Central State Archives
2002 A collection of documents on the H.K.P. Labor Camp, which existed in Vilnius in 1943/44 after the liquidation of the Ghetto, with an introductory article on the history of the camp. It includes documents such as daily work sheets, tables, data on the number of inmates, official correspondence, etc. By Irina Guzenberg 2002, 192 pp.; English, Lithuanian & Russian ISBN 9955-9556-1-9
Price 2,50 €
The Šiauliai Ghetto: List of Prisoners 1942 (Contents) The Šiauliai Ghetto, July 18, 1941 – July 24, 1944
2002 The book contains lists of prisoners from the 1942 census, two academic articles on the Holocaust in Šiauliai and the Šiauliai Region, WW II archive documents, excerpts from the WW II Šiauliai press. Compiled by Irina Guzenberg and Jevgenija Sedova 2002, 660 pp.; English, Lithuanian & Russian ISBN 9955-9556-0-0
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
Jewish Life in Lithuania
2007 A catalogue of the mobile exhibition by the same name, containing information on the history and culture of Lithuanian Jews, the Holocaust, the role of the Jewish community and anti-Semitism today. By Rūta Puišytė and Darius Staliūnas 2001, second edition 2007, 222 pp.; English & Lithuanian, with photographs ISBN 9986-34-090-X
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
The Book of Sorrow
1997 This book contains photographs and descriptions of over 200 sites of the mass murder of Lithuanian Jews during the Holocaust. Compiled by Yosif Levinson 1997, 224 pp. with photographs; English, Lithuanian, Yiddish & Hebrew ISBN 5-415-00529-3
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
The Jewish State Museum of Lithuania (Valstybinis žydų muziejus Lietuvoje)
1996 A book illustrating the history of the Jewish Museum By Rachel Kostanian 1996, 52 pp. with colour photographs; English ISBN: 9986-9019-3-6
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
The Development of Jewish Book Printing in Lithuania
1994 Archival-based research on 19th century Jewish book-printing. By Genrikh Agranovski 1994, 82 pp.; Russian, synopses in English ISBN 9986-08-008-8.
Edition sold out. You may find this publication at the Library of the VGSJM at Pylimo st. 4, Vilnius.
| Modified: 11/2/2016 |
| | | | Information | 2017.03.01 | |
If you want to order a guided tour or educational programme please contact us in advance: tel. +370 60163612, email: muziejus@jmuseum.lt
If you want to order an educational programme, please contact us at: +370 5 212 0112, +370 6 8986 191 or via email muziejus@jmuseum.lt
Tolerance Center (Naugarduko St. 10/2) working hours: Monday,Thursday: 10:00-18:00 Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00-18:00 Friday: 10:00-16:00 Saturday-closed, Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Holocaust Exposition (Pamėnkalnio St. 12) working hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00-17:00 Friday: 9:00-16:00 Saturday-closed Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Memorial Museum of Paneriai (Agrastų St. 15, Aukštieji Paneriai) working hours: Monday-closed Tuesday–Sunday 9:00-17:00 From October until May the Memorial Museum is open by appointment only.
If you are interested in visiting the museum/the memorial with a tour guide, please contact us at least a day in advance at +370 699 90 384 or via email mantas.siksnianas@jmuseum.lt
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