The presentation of the album of photographs Faces of Vilnius by Aleksandra Jacovskytė was held at the Centre of Tolerance on 17 June 2014.
Aleksandra Jacovskytė (1945) is known as a theatre artist and not many have ever had a chance to see her photographic works. The album Faces of Vilnius represents a selection of photographs of famous residents of Vilnius, portraits of Aleksandra’s family, and photographs of people met by the artist on the streets of Vilnius and reflecting the refined spirit of our times.
Participants of the presentation and discussion: Aleksandra Jacovskytė (artist), Director Markas Zingeris of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum (writer), Violeta Juškutė (compiler of the album), Prof Dr Giedrė Jankevičiūtė (art critic). The presentation also included an exhibition of photographs by Aleksandra Jacovskytė.
Vilniaus veidai (1964–1993).Compiler and project manager – Violeta Juškutė, authors of the text – Violeta Juškutė and Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, artist – Jokūbas Jacovskis. Publisher: Kultūros tiltai, 2014. © Aleksandra Jacovskytė, Violeta Juškutė, Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, Jokūbas Jacovskis, Kultūros tiltai, 192 p. (Sponsored by the Culture Support Foundation of the Republic of Lithuania) |
Aleksandra Jacovskytė, the author of the album
 Aleksandra Jacovskytė and Maša Grodnik, Vice Chairperson of the Lithuanian Jewish Community

The presentation was attended by Vytenis Pauliukaitis and Eugenijus Skerstonas, close friends of Aleksandra Jacovskytė
 Participants of the discussion (from left to right): Violeta Juškutė (project manager), Giedrė Jankevičiūtė (art critic), Aleksandra Jacovskytė (author of the album), Markas Zingeris (Director of VGSJM and writer) |
 Participants of the discussion (from left to right): Violeta Juškutė (project manager), Giedrė Jankevičiūtė (art critic), Aleksandra Jacovskytė (author of the album), Markas Zingeris (Director of VGSJM and writer) |
 A moment from the presentation |
| Modified: 8/26/2014 |