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Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History
Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Istorijos Muziejus



Published: 2020-11-03

 Dear visitors of the Museum,

We remind you of the essential rules for visiting the museum and events.

  1. Visitors with signs of acute upper respiratory illness (e.g. runny nose, coughs, sneezing, difficulty breathing) shall be denied entrance into the Museum.
  2. Visitors are allowed to enter the museums only if properly wearing a protective face mask covering the nose and mouth.
  3. Mandatory registration of visitors at events and visiting museum (given name, surname and telephone number, email, home address.). Personal data of visitors is collected for the purposes of implementing measures for the prevention and control of the Covid-19 virus. They are stored for 21 days and then destroyed.
  4. Participants at events and education are limited and, therefore, pre-registration is required.
  5. Groups of no more than 5 people are allowed on the Museum's (2-meter safety distance)
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