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Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History
Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Istorijos Muziejus


Vilna Ghetto posters


Please contact for more information:
Saulė Valiūnaitė
Phone: +370 5 262 0730
E-mail: saule.valiunaite@jmuseum.lt, muziejus@jmuseum.lt


Content of mobile exhibition


At the end of the summer of 1944, after Vilnius had been liberated from the Nazi plague, a group of partisans – former Ghetto prisoners – returned to their devastated homeland, where, among the ruins of the Jewish quarter, in various hiding places, and from the mountains of waste by the paper factory, they found and salvaged a great number of valuable Ghetto documents, including more than 200 Ghetto posters. Torn and ravaged, victims, like the people of the Ghetto, of violence and brutality, they are the chronicles of the cultural and spiritual life of the Vilna Ghetto. Like a mirror, they reflect the contrasts – cruelty and goodness, despair and endurance, egoism and sacrifice – of the tragic and isolated world of the Ghetto.


The source of the phenomenon of cultural activity in the Vilna Ghetto are the spiritual and cultural values created there throughout the centuries. Vilne, Yerushalayim de Lita – famous for its synagogues and yeshivas, teachers’ seminaries and schools, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research an the Strashun Library, the “Jung Vilne” literary group and the “Vilner Trupe” theatre group, newspapers, publishing and printing houses – was a wonderful citadel of Jewish religious and secular culture. The 20th century was witness to both – its pinnacle and its destruction. Herded into the Vilna Ghetto, the last generation of litvaks brought with it tremendous intellectual potential. Its spiritual elite initiated a broad and multifaceted cultural activity as Resistance against the Nazis, against humiliation and dehumanization, a struggle for the nation’s honour and its survival. Under its leadership, a great many institutions were created and functioned actively within the Ghetto: health care and hygiene facilities, training and educational institutes, childcare and social services, professional and artistic societies, theatres, clubs…



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