Evangelical deanery Vorderer Odenwald group visits the Tolerance Center |
Head of the History Research Department Neringa Latvytė – Gustaitienė welcommes the group and thanks for the donation in the name of the Museum |
Evangelical deanery Vorderer Odelwald group visits the permanent exposition of the Museum |
Evangelical deanery Vorderer Odenwald group, lead by the Revrend Werner Stoklossa, visited the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum on the 8th of July, 2015. 31 people from Dieburg near Darmstadt (Germany) came as Biblische Reisen Stuttgart organisation‘s travelers, visiting Vilnius Jewish places during their trip to the Baltic States. On behalf the whole group Reverend Werner Stoklossa donated the sum to the Museum, given for the educational activities of the Tolerance Center. After visiting the permanent and temporary exhibitions group watched the movie „Ghetto“ (2006) by Audrius Juzėnas in the hall of the Tolerance Center. |
Photos by Paulius Račiūnas
| Modified: 8/31/2015 |