Regarding reconstruction of Jacques Lipchitz Memorial Museum in Druskininkai |
On 26 September 2016 at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania a meeting was held between vice-minister Dr Romas Jarockis, head of Museum, Library and Archives Department Rūta Pileckaitė, chief specialist Vaiva Lankelienė and management of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum regarding plans to reconstruct the museum’s unit in Druskininkai and to turn it into a modern Jacques Lipchitz museum that would stay open all year round. Jacques Lipchitz Memorial Museum was closed for renovation and remains closed due to ongoing litigations regarding the quality of performed renovation works. By now the museum’s roof has been replaced, external walls have been repainted and preparatory works for the renovation of the inner part of the building have been completed. The purchase of related artefacts and artworks is currently in progress, including the preparation of respective information material (family letters) that will definitely enrich the future exposition. The exhibition concept and exposition plan have already been finalised. Director of the museum J. M. Zingeris informed that the exposition plan must be reviewed in line with the available new technological solutions and new exhibits.
The recently closed exhibition that was held in Vilnius to mark the 125th anniversary of Jacque Lipchitz’s birth offered a wide display of exhibits from the collections of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, the Center George Pompidou and the Museum of Jewish Art and History in Paris. It was for the first time ever that unique sculptures from French museums were brought to Lithuania. They received a lot of attention from Lithuanian society and were widely and extremely positively covered by the Lithuanian media. The exhibition received 3,570 visitors. In addition, 52 tours and educational events were held. Director of the French Institute in Lithuania Frédéric Bellido in his farewell speech referred to the exhibition as to an example of extremely successful cooperation between Lithuania and France. We hope for just as efficient further cooperation with respective institutions in France, USA, Italy and Israel, including Jacques Lipchitz’s family, in collecting the sculptor’s creative and memorial heritage.
In view of the great interest of Lithuanian society in the exhibition and the positive comments of its visitors, part of Jacques Lipchitz’s exhibition will be extended and reopen in M. Žilinskas gallery in Kaunas on 20th October. Possibilities to have the exhibition displayed in Druskininkai in summer 2017 for the period of the international festival ‘Druskininkai Summer with M.K. Čiurlionis’ were extensively discussed with Liucija Stulgienė, director of the Lithuanian Musician Support Fund.
The success with Jacques Lipchitz’s exhibition is the best proof that a professionally presented world famous sculptor who always emphasised his exceptional connection with his homeland may and must have a ‘permanent place of residence’ in Lithuania, i.e. a museum in Druskininkai. A number of meetings with Druskininkai Mayor’s Office were held on the subject before. This autumn on 13 September 2016 yet another meeting with the representatives of Druskininkai Municipality was held at the Vilna Gaon State Jewish museum. It was attended by vice-mayor Linas Urmanavičius, chief specialist for tourism and culture Ingrida Griniūtė, director of Druskininkai Town Museum Gintaras Dumčius and Director of Druskininkai Cultural Centre Rima Viniarskaitė. As a result, the museum and Druskininkai Municipality agreed to cooperate in submitting applications for the reconstruction of Jacques Lipchitz museum.
An agreement was reached with vice-minister of culture Dr Romas Jarockis that in 2017 the museum task force will prepare a technical project for the renovation of Jacques Lipchitz museum in addition to supplementing the investment project with a reviewed thematic exhibition plan and start reaching out to sponsors.
| Modified: 10/28/2016 |